The Transtheoretical Model of Change
(The Stages of Change Model)

The Transtheoretical Model1, also known as The Stages of Change Model, is an integrative framework that is used to understand the process of intentional behavior change. This model is particularly helpful when working to help individuals progress towards adopting and maintaining positive health behaviors. The model uses several ‘stages of change’ to integrate processes and principles of change that have emerged from leading behavior change theories, hence the name “Transtheoretical.” The basic premiss is that change is not an event, but rather a process that unfolds over time and involves progress through a series of stages: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance.

You will find more information about The Stages of Change Model in the HealthyMe Guidelines for Implementation from the following links:

University of Rhode Island Cancer Prevention Research Center

Pro-change Behavior Systems, Inc.

1Prochaska, J. O., Johnson, S., & Lee, P. (2009). The transtheoretical model of behavior change. In S.A. Shumaker, J.K. Ockene, & K.A. Riekert (Eds.), The handbook of health behavior change (3rd ed., pp. 59-83). New York: Springer.